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Microservices Design Patterns, Hugh McKee at Scalac's Event
GeeCON Prague 2018: Hugh McKee - 7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS
Reactive Summit 2020: Hugh McKee, How to Build Megaservices -- High Throughput Microservices
Why I Love Akka - Hugh McKee
Scala Wave - Avi Levi "EVENT SOURCING"
ScalaTest Performance Testing Microservices with Zubair Haque
François Laroche at #ScalaUA- Akka and event sourcing - Feedbacks on 2+ years using it in production
Scala Swarm 2017 | Renato Cavalcanti: Functional Foundation of Event Sourced Application
Eric Loots at #ScalaUA - First experiences with Akka Typed and Dotty
Scala Swarm 2017 | Johan Andrén: Building reactive distributed systems with Akka
Real World Android Akka by Taisuke Oe
GolovachCourses: Java Multithreading 18.08.2014 Lecture #15. Akka